Permanent Side Effects due to Laser Hair Removal

burns caused due to laser hair removal treatment
After laser hair removal treatment there is also a very serious chance of possible long-term or permanent epidermal damage. One must know clearly about these risks and side effects before undergoing any laser hair removal treatment. There may be other more temporary, more painful, or more expensive solutions to your unwanted hair problems that you should evaluate as well.

The following are the some of the permanent side effects which might take place. Its better to know about them in detail before undergoing this laser hair removal treatment.

Burns -
Burns are also very rare and are usually caused due to the work of less qualified technicians. It can be painful and you should be prepared for this consequence as well, no matter what your practitioner or technician’s qualifications are.

Scaring -
Scaring mostly occurs when the area is treated by someone who is minimally trained or by an accidental over-treatment. However, even if you are having your procedure done by an experienced professional, you should still be prepared for any potential risks.

Skin discoloration -
This is usually permanent lightening of the skin on the treated area. Because the laser is made to attack the pigmentation in darker colored hair it can sometimes affect darker colored skin as well. Although not a physically painful side effect, it could be sever and emotionally damaging.

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